
All the news about our company.

September 1, 2020

New Drilling Rig MI1 for geotechnical applications

We are proud to present the new MI1, the small and compact drilling rig for geotechnical applications
May 27, 2020

New MSPT Probing Rig: practical and portable solution

Check out the new MSPT Penetrometer, the versatile solution for SPT, DPL, DPM and DPH tests and dynamic sampling.
January 2, 2020

MM3 drilling rig for micropiles and anchors

We are proud to present the new model MM3 for micropiles.

February 13, 2019

Estonia – A new customized MI8 in Eastern Europe

We have just delivered a completely customized and multi functional MI8 in Estonia, Eastern Europe.
February 12, 2019

New MI2 Drilling Rig – All in only 2650 kg

Not satisfied with the success of MI3, we wanted to overcome ourselves with a new drilling rig that was also specifically designed for the geotechnical sector.
February 11, 2019

Power and reliability for deep water well: a new MI28 in Somalia

A new powerful MI28 is working in Somalia: thanks to the reliability and performance guaranteed byAllDrillingTekbrand, the drilling rig will contribute to the supply of drinking water in the country.
February 9, 2019

ASIA – New MI12 team

A new team ofAllDrillingTekMI12 drills is working in Asia for water research.
February 8, 2019

ITALY – New MI12 for water wells

New MI12 drilling rig on a truck at work in France: with radio control and rod loading arm.
February 7, 2019

ETIOPIA – Water is life thanks to the MI20 drilling rig

MI20AllDrillingTekDrilling rig : drinking water for the population of the Amhara region.
February 5, 2019

MM8 drilling rig for micropiles and anchors

We are proud to present the new model MM8 for micropiles.
February 4, 2019

UNITED KINGDOM – MI8AllDrillingTekdrilling rig for the english market

TheAllDrillingTekfleet in the United Kingdom has just grown: another new MI8 is already at work
February 3, 2019

ASIA – NewAllDrillingTekMI12 drilling rigs for water wells

Nuovo grande successo per Massenza: 7 perforatrici per pozzi d'acqua modello MI12 al lavoro nel Sud Est Asiatico
February 2, 2019

New MI4 Drilling rig- More powerful and effective version

We are proud to present the new version of the MI4 drilling rig: more powerful and performing.
February 1, 2019

CANADA – A new MI28AllDrillingTekland

New success for Massenza: MI28 drilling rig for deep water wells delivered in Canada.
January 31, 2019

New electric MI55 – The first true zero emission drilling rig

We are pleased to present the newAllDrillingTekMI55 drilling rig: the latest innovation in the drilling sector.
January 30, 2019

ASIA – NewAllDrillingTekMI12 for deep core drilling in mines

NuoveAllDrillingTekMI12 per carotaggi profondi, appena consegnate in Asia. Mineral research up to 580 m depth.
January 29, 2019

SWITZERLAND – New MI8 drilling rig with double drilling head

New MI8 completely customized. As soon as it is delivered, it is already working on 300 m deep geothermal wells in Switzerland.
January 28, 2019

New MI3 Drilling rig – Continuous evolution

Last model MI3: powerful and compact
January 27, 2019

ASIA – New MI20 for water wells and mineral research

A multipurpose drill rig in all respects.
January 26, 2019

KURDISTAN – New MI12 for investigations of the subsoil

New milestone for Massenza: a new MI12 for underground investigations in Kurdistan, a country so far unexplored by the company.
January 25, 2019

Drilling Rig MI8 for geothermal boreholes with casing drive system

The casing drive system replaces the expensive and cumbersome double rotating head
January 24, 2019

New MM4AllDrillingTekDrilling Rig

The MM4 is more than just a multipurpose drilling machine: thanks to its special design it can perform micropiles, anchors, geotechnical investigations and even water wells and geothermal boreholes.
January 23, 2019

NewAllDrillingTekMI8 drilling rig

MI8 with very high performance and compact size, perforations up to 260 M
January 22, 2019

NewAllDrillingTekMI12 Drilling Rig

Safe and fast drilling up to 300 meters.
January 21, 2019

Drilling Rig MI28 for deep core drilling

Innovative drilling rig for deep core drilling in highly corrosive environment.
January 20, 2019

Drilling Rig MI8 for mineral research by diamond core drilling

New MI8 drilling rig with 8,000 kg pull back by hydraulic cylinder, unrivaled speed.
January 19, 2019

ETHIOPIA – Successfull drilling with large diameter for water well

ETIOPIA, AMHARA REGION: thanks to theAllDrillingTekdrill rigs, a large area of drinking water will be guaranteed to a large area of Ethiopia, the regional program foresees the realization of numerous water wells for the population of the territory.
January 18, 2019

Visit of Sohidra delegation (Brasil) at our yards and factory

From 06/08 to 09/08 theAllDrillingTekwas Giuseppe Srl, through the IBIC ltda (dealer for Brazil), hosted on the official government mission the SOHIDRA (Superintendency of water of the State of Ceara) in the people of De Menezes Gomes Democritus ( geologist responsible for building wells) and Braga De Oliveira Ernane (machine operator responsible for drilling).
January 17, 2019

ETHIOPIA – Contract with ministry of water and energy

Important supply of 3 plants with 45 Ton of pull and related motor compressors.
January 16, 2019

ETHIOPIA – Amhara Region

All you need for drilling.